These snow pictures are from weeks ago - but I finally got around to scrapping them.
I've been taking a small break from scrapping to get some sewing done.
I completed this apron I have had sitting in my sewing stash for years. It's by Brassy Apple Patterns -you can view their other patterns HERE.
I've also almost finished the top for my Christmas quilt. After spending several days over the sewing machine, I'm ready to get back to scrapping :)
We've had a quiet, cloudy Monday over here - excited for Studio Calico reveal tonight!
Happy Monday!
Holly & Co.
We have been so lucky this weekend. For the first time this semester, Ryan has had a weekend without hours of homework! We decided to spend our Groupon, and head to Sammy's for dinner.
Sammy's is an old time burger joint, complete with soda counter inside. Zoe was very excited to sit on the "spinning seats."
Ryan ordered the Big Belly Burger and I ordered The Brea Chicken sandwich. Zoe had a grilled cheese and we all shared the onion rings and fries. The only thing that I wasn't thrilled about was the fries. After sitting and eating awhile at the counter, and listening to some other people - I guess the battered fries are the way to go - not the homestyle (which we ordered) Next time, we'll get the battered.
Everything else was really yummy. Simple, good food. Oh, and plenty of fry sauce - that's how we roll.
Sammy's is actually known for their, "Real Pie Shakes." Ryan ordered the coconut cream, Zoe and I split the pumpkin pie cheesecake shake. Absolutely the best part of the meal! It was so amazing, seriously delicious. Although, I would definitely opt for the half size shake or sharing one with someone, the full size one is a LOT for one person.
Sammy's is an old time burger joint, complete with soda counter inside. Zoe was very excited to sit on the "spinning seats."
Ryan ordered the Big Belly Burger and I ordered The Brea Chicken sandwich. Zoe had a grilled cheese and we all shared the onion rings and fries. The only thing that I wasn't thrilled about was the fries. After sitting and eating awhile at the counter, and listening to some other people - I guess the battered fries are the way to go - not the homestyle (which we ordered) Next time, we'll get the battered.
Everything else was really yummy. Simple, good food. Oh, and plenty of fry sauce - that's how we roll.
Sammy's is actually known for their, "Real Pie Shakes." Ryan ordered the coconut cream, Zoe and I split the pumpkin pie cheesecake shake. Absolutely the best part of the meal! It was so amazing, seriously delicious. Although, I would definitely opt for the half size shake or sharing one with someone, the full size one is a LOT for one person.
and my favorite pictures from that night...
We are enjoying having Ryan around a bit more this weekend.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend too!
Holly & CO.
This is the last of the most recent pages I've done featuring my sweet niece, Gwendolyn.
I titled this page with a line from one of my favorite books, "Goodnight Moon."
And that got me thinking about all the book lines, movie quotes and song lyrics that fill my head.
I can quote the entire book of "Cat in the Hat" from reading it to Zoe 1,000 + times.
I can sing the entire *NSYNC CD from start to finish
Ryan and I often text each other lines from some of our favorite movies or shows to make each other laugh.
I even mentioned to my sister a few weeks ago, think of how much brain space I would have, if I didn't have all these things that I remembered (that are not really important)?
But where's the fun in that?
We are getting over being sick - again.
Thankfully, we seemed to have turned the corner and Ryan has escaped, yet again, another illness.
(He has an immune system of steel I tell you!)
It's also been snowing lots - and as such, I deemed today -
Pinterest Recipe Day!
I've been pinning lots of new recipes lately but have had yet to try them, so today I'm testing out three new ones.
My adjustments:
- I used 1/2 lt. sour cream and 1/2 non-fat greek yogurt.
-1.5 packets of Ranch (some reviews said it was too salty)
-1.5 cups of cheese
- 6 strips of cooked bacon chopped
2. Cornbread Casserole
My adjustments: I'm attempting to make this in the crockpot since my oven in not currently working correctly.
3. English muffin bread
My adjustments: I'm attempting to make this is in my bread maker - again because of my oven.
I'll be posting my reviews soon!
Holly & CO.
If you have ever met Zoe you would know, she likes to sing.
Life is one big production with Zoe - in a good way....most of the time. (costumes included)
She is either, talking, singing, or making some sort of noise all the time. When she laughs, she laughs big and loud. When she cries, it is usually a scene. When she dances, she needs a dress and an audience .
I'm saying all these things with the love of a Mother. Sometimes these things annoy me, sometimes they make me laugh, but most of all - they make her unique, and I adore that.
I have a feeling Zoe will be a dreamer and a doer. She will have big goals and aspirations and will reach them.
In the yellow polka dot envelope is a little note for her when the day comes that she needs to read it.
Time is short today - lots of life that needs to get some attention - but I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Holly & Co.
Life is one big production with Zoe - in a good way....most of the time. (costumes included)
She is either, talking, singing, or making some sort of noise all the time. When she laughs, she laughs big and loud. When she cries, it is usually a scene. When she dances, she needs a dress and an audience .
I'm saying all these things with the love of a Mother. Sometimes these things annoy me, sometimes they make me laugh, but most of all - they make her unique, and I adore that.
I have a feeling Zoe will be a dreamer and a doer. She will have big goals and aspirations and will reach them.
In the yellow polka dot envelope is a little note for her when the day comes that she needs to read it.
Time is short today - lots of life that needs to get some attention - but I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Holly & Co.
During the early days of our marriage, Ryan and I decided that except for birthday and Christmas, we would just exchange cards, no presents. It was getting out of hand to have to have a gift for every occasion - and we were constantly budgeting and trying to think of things to suggest to the other as gifts. Now, 5 years in, I think it was one of the best decisions we made.
Yesterday being Valentine's Day - we exchanged cards over a quiet dinner at home. As I read those sweet, tender words my husband had written, tears rolled down my cheeks. The thought came to me, " words matter."
As I kept thinking about that phrase throughout the evening, I thought how profound that statement is. Harsh or soft, sweet or mean, uplifting or degrading, words matter and affect us deeply.
I made this page to exemplify that statement. I attached the sweet card my husband gave to me yesterday and used one of our wedding photos.
The quote on the tag in the corner is one my mother often repeated, from the children's book, "Horton Hears a Who." It reads -
Yesterday being Valentine's Day - we exchanged cards over a quiet dinner at home. As I read those sweet, tender words my husband had written, tears rolled down my cheeks. The thought came to me, " words matter."
As I kept thinking about that phrase throughout the evening, I thought how profound that statement is. Harsh or soft, sweet or mean, uplifting or degrading, words matter and affect us deeply.
I made this page to exemplify that statement. I attached the sweet card my husband gave to me yesterday and used one of our wedding photos.
The quote on the tag in the corner is one my mother often repeated, from the children's book, "Horton Hears a Who." It reads -
"I said what I meant, and I meant what I said."
That quote is a bold reminder to me to choose words carefully, and share good words often.
Have you ever received a hand written note or letter in the mail by surprise? That for me is one of the top 10 best feelings ever! I've been working on sending more "happy mail" this year. A letter or note, a package or special treat. Isn't it funny that when you do nice things for people, it comes back to you tenfold? I've been the recipient of so many random happy mail or packages or sweet treats or phone calls - I am a very lucky girl.
I propose a challenge today - use your words for good. Write a letter, call a friend, send an e-mail, whatever you choose. Then come back here and tell me about it! I would love to hear all about it!
Holly & Co.
Today was a wonderful day.
...and since a picture is worth 1000 words - I'll let them do the talking today.
...and since a picture is worth 1000 words - I'll let them do the talking today.
Happy Valentine's Day
Holly & CO.
Our little cupcake shop in town doesn't just have cupcakes - they have blended drinks, hot chocolate, and now ice cream. My friend, Karli, introduced me to their cold blending cocoa drinks, which are delish!
But at over $3.00 a piece, it's hard to splurge as often as I would like. And....they are made with half & half, which isn't waistline friendly - so I attempted to recreate my own version.
I'm happy to say it was very successful!
Here are the basic ingredients:
2 Cups pebble ice (I bought mine from sonic, 10 lbs. for $1.49)
1/2 C. milk (I used 1%)
3 heaping tablespoons chocolate drink mix ( I used carnation instant breakfast)
This is the fun part - you can now add any number of things to adjust the flavor.
add 2 TB. peppermint coffee creamer = Chocolate Peppermint
4 Tsp. Torini caramel sryup + a pinch of sea salt = Salted Caramel
and those are just the versions I've tried in the past week...
Blend until icy.
But at over $3.00 a piece, it's hard to splurge as often as I would like. And....they are made with half & half, which isn't waistline friendly - so I attempted to recreate my own version.
I'm happy to say it was very successful!
Here are the basic ingredients:
2 Cups pebble ice (I bought mine from sonic, 10 lbs. for $1.49)
1/2 C. milk (I used 1%)
3 heaping tablespoons chocolate drink mix ( I used carnation instant breakfast)
This is the fun part - you can now add any number of things to adjust the flavor.
add 2 TB. peppermint coffee creamer = Chocolate Peppermint
4 Tsp. Torini caramel sryup + a pinch of sea salt = Salted Caramel
and those are just the versions I've tried in the past week...
Blend until icy.
Ryan had to spend the day in the lab yesterday. And instead of just bumming around Rexburg, Zoe and I headed to Idaho Falls - or I.F. - as the locals refer to it. But before her left, we enjoyed our first taste of Paradise Donuts. Yum.
My favorite are the old fashioned sour cream, but the maple glazed was good too!
We drove all over Idaho Falls yesterday, spent several hours driving to different places. I discovered this water tower and just had to take a picture. I love the way it turned out.
We spent a lot of time at this play area yesterday. This was my view.
While we were at the mall, I picked up a few things for Ryan and for Zoe, but I had to snag this shirt for me.
Who doesn't need a Save Ferris shirt?!?
We ended the evening by making frappes - the recipe I will post tomorrow :)
Holly & Co.
It's snowing today - I just love the quiet of snowfall. It's so calm and quiet outside. Kind of like this sweet baby. Yes more pictures of my beautiful niece.
I got my February Studio Calico kit yesterday and it is just beautiful! I adore the color palate.
I'm off to have a girly afternoon with my little one. In store we have - Candyland Bingo, nail painting and candy button making. (and hopefully a nap)
Have a wonderful day!
Holly & CO.
Hooray! Thanks so much for all the blog love - it was so fun to read each one of the comments.
#1 - Cathy Pascal
#2 - Nicole Brenna
#3 - Vanessa Blythe
#4 - Shelleye McDaniel
#5 - Kate Codina
Congrats Ladies - Please e-mail me your addresses @!!!
Holly & Co.
#1 - Cathy Pascal
#2 - Nicole Brenna
#3 - Vanessa Blythe
#4 - Shelleye McDaniel
#5 - Kate Codina
Congrats Ladies - Please e-mail me your addresses @!!!
Holly & Co.
Thanks to my mother-in-law, Julie, last summer, I decided to make a quilt. Funny thing - I still haven't made that quilt I had originally set out to make, but I have managed to make 3 other quilts, with plans and fabric for 3 more.
This quilt is for my dear friend Keshet's sweet new baby - Happy Birthday little one!
In Utah, is my favorite quilt store ever and I just happened to have planned a trip there anyway, so when I found out she had made her debut, I decided this would be the perfect reason to make a quilt :) Deciding on the fabric took me almost an hour - so many pretty things in that store.
This quilt is for my dear friend Keshet's sweet new baby - Happy Birthday little one!
In Utah, is my favorite quilt store ever and I just happened to have planned a trip there anyway, so when I found out she had made her debut, I decided this would be the perfect reason to make a quilt :) Deciding on the fabric took me almost an hour - so many pretty things in that store.
I was super excited about finishing this quilt, because I wanted to try out my new quilting foot that I had purchased a few months ago. Free form quilting is SO much fun! I was literally smiling while I was doodling all over the borders.
1 charm pack (with 6 squares removed) or 36 5"x5" squares
2/3 yd white fabric
2/3 yd pink fabric
1 1/2 yd backing fabric
I drew up a simple pattern in photoshop for this quilt. The final quilt size is approximately 42" x 42". If you are interested in the step by step instructions, e-mail me at and I will send them over to you.
Thanks for stopping by today.
The giveaway is still open until midnight tonight, so if you haven't entered, you can get in just under the wire.
Holly & Co.
The giveaway is still open - Go to THIS post and leave a comment.
So I'm having a love affair with the new Dear Lizzy line, Neapolitan. So much so, that when I was down in Utah, the second place I went, was Archiver's. They didn't have the entire line - but I picked up the majority of what I want. The rest I'll pick up from Paper Issues, when Cassie gets it in stock.
I had this little chipboard book lying around and I thought I should put it to good use. I filled it with some favorite instagram photos, documenting some of my favorite things.
So I'm having a love affair with the new Dear Lizzy line, Neapolitan. So much so, that when I was down in Utah, the second place I went, was Archiver's. They didn't have the entire line - but I picked up the majority of what I want. The rest I'll pick up from Paper Issues, when Cassie gets it in stock.
I had this little chipboard book lying around and I thought I should put it to good use. I filled it with some favorite instagram photos, documenting some of my favorite things.
Mini books are usually hard for me, as I rarely have one event with enough pictures to document the occasion. But this worked out just great. It's pretty small, about 3x5 and it will be keeping it's home on my bookshelf.
Some of the things in those photos, are also favorite items of mine - like my Fuji Instax I got for Christmas - my Anthropologie mug, my mother in law bought me for my birthday - Strega Nona, a favorite book of mine and now Zoe's - Isn't it amazing, how you have favorite things that you kinda don't think about.
Funny story - In my 9th grade yearbook I had 4 pictures in the yearbook. I was wearing the same sweater in each of the photos. They were all taken on different days. I really loved that sweater. :)
Holly & Co.
If you are looking for the Giveway post -HERE is the Link. It is still open until Wed. Feb. 8th.
Thank you all for the lovely comments, it's so fun to see where everyone is coming from.
Zoe and I arrived back in Rexburg just a little while ago. We stayed a longer than usual, because we wanted to attend the baby blessing of my cousin, Anna. She is so sweet and precious, I'm so glad we were able to attend.
After the blessing, we went to my Uncle Chris' house for a luncheon and I had the most fabulous coconut cake. It was simply amazing. We caught up with extended family, Zoe played with the dog and some of my cousins that are her age. It's funny to have cousins that are the same age as my kid. We left straight from the lunch and returned to a beautifully cleaned house and a happy husband. :)
This layout is of one of my newest nieces, Gwendolyn. I made it using the Polka Dot Whimsy November Kit, which is still available HERE. I actually dreamed about this particular layout. My favorite part is the Hello badge, but instead of saying, "My name is..." it says' "my story is..." I thought it was just perfect for a brand new baby.
Ever since she was born, I have adored this picture of her, with her daddy Eric. I'm so glad I was able to translate it into a page that I love.
So as you can see - I have babies on the brain. Also, my dear friend, Keshet had her baby this week. So excited for her. I'm making her a special baby gift and I want to share it on here, but Keshet reads here, so I'll just have to wait until she gets it in the mail to share it here.
Happy Sunday
Holly & Co.
Thank you all for the lovely comments, it's so fun to see where everyone is coming from.
Zoe and I arrived back in Rexburg just a little while ago. We stayed a longer than usual, because we wanted to attend the baby blessing of my cousin, Anna. She is so sweet and precious, I'm so glad we were able to attend.
baby Anna sleeping |
This layout is of one of my newest nieces, Gwendolyn. I made it using the Polka Dot Whimsy November Kit, which is still available HERE. I actually dreamed about this particular layout. My favorite part is the Hello badge, but instead of saying, "My name is..." it says' "my story is..." I thought it was just perfect for a brand new baby.
Ever since she was born, I have adored this picture of her, with her daddy Eric. I'm so glad I was able to translate it into a page that I love.
So as you can see - I have babies on the brain. Also, my dear friend, Keshet had her baby this week. So excited for her. I'm making her a special baby gift and I want to share it on here, but Keshet reads here, so I'll just have to wait until she gets it in the mail to share it here.
Happy Sunday
Holly & Co.
Hooray, today is finally here!
Well, I'm excited to announce that not only have I hit 600 posts with this post, but I'm also a dot com!
That's right, you can no visit my blog from!
Maraschino (red)

#3 Aspen and Pike Etsy shop - Love Typography Subway art. This is a PDF file, you can choose either the red or white, whichever you LOVE more. The store owner, Jenni, also offers custom typography art, and you can contact her through her etsy store for more details.

#4 The Twinery- Nicole from The Twinery has donated I LOVE YOU sampler pack. (Stone is my favorite color ever!)
Contains 15 yards of each color below:
Maraschino, Pink Sorbet Blossom, Caribbean, Stone & Lilac
#5 - Dear Lizzy prize pack - I just love the new Dear Lizzy line, so while I've been in Utah, I not only picked up some stuff for myself, but some for one lucky blog reader! This is just a sneak peak of what will be in the box from me.
To enter for any of these fabulous prizes,
please leave me a comment telling me who you are and how you found my blog.
Comments will be open until Wed, Feb 8th, midnight EST.
For extra entries:
1. Follow any of these wonderful sponsors on Facebook:
Paper Issues
Polka Dot Whimsy
The Twinery
2. Follow any of the sponsors' blogs:
Paper Issues
Polka Dot Whimsy
The Twinery
Holly & Company
3. Make a donation to my Race for the Cure effort, you can do so by visiting my page HERE.
(Please leave a comment for EACH one of the extra entries)
So if you count that up - it leaves 9 entries total, per person.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today and helping me celebrate, I hope you stick around for a while!
Holly & Co.
Well, I'm excited to announce that not only have I hit 600 posts with this post, but I'm also a dot com!
That's right, you can no visit my blog from!
I had been thinking about changing the blog title, for awhile now, and this just seemed like the perfect time to do it, and what better reason for a party?!?
In honor of my blog party I have some amazing giveaways for you.
#1- Cassie at Paper Issues put together this great Valetntine's day prize pack.
This giveaway includes:
6x6 Crate Paper Heart
3 Yards of the following colors of twine:Maraschino (red)
Pink Sorbet (dark pink)
Blossom (light pink)
Caribbean (aqua)
Buttercream (yellow)
Cassie has also generously offered a coupon code for my readers - for 30% off anything in the Paper Issues store, just enter the code HOLLY.
#2 Polka Dot Whimsy kit club - January Kit. This kit is full of October Afternoon, My Mind's Eye, with some Crate and Jillibean Soup throw in for good measure.
#3 Aspen and Pike Etsy shop - Love Typography Subway art. This is a PDF file, you can choose either the red or white, whichever you LOVE more. The store owner, Jenni, also offers custom typography art, and you can contact her through her etsy store for more details.

#4 The Twinery- Nicole from The Twinery has donated I LOVE YOU sampler pack. (Stone is my favorite color ever!)
Contains 15 yards of each color below:
Maraschino, Pink Sorbet Blossom, Caribbean, Stone & Lilac
#5 - Dear Lizzy prize pack - I just love the new Dear Lizzy line, so while I've been in Utah, I not only picked up some stuff for myself, but some for one lucky blog reader! This is just a sneak peak of what will be in the box from me.
To enter for any of these fabulous prizes,
please leave me a comment telling me who you are and how you found my blog.
Comments will be open until Wed, Feb 8th, midnight EST.
For extra entries:
1. Follow any of these wonderful sponsors on Facebook:
Paper Issues
Polka Dot Whimsy
The Twinery
2. Follow any of the sponsors' blogs:
Paper Issues
Polka Dot Whimsy
The Twinery
Holly & Company
3. Make a donation to my Race for the Cure effort, you can do so by visiting my page HERE.
(Please leave a comment for EACH one of the extra entries)
So if you count that up - it leaves 9 entries total, per person.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today and helping me celebrate, I hope you stick around for a while!
Holly & Co.
Seriously, can you get sweeter pictures than that?
My sister in law, Jen, graciously let me use some photos of my sweet niece, Gwendolyn, for this page.
I just got my Polka Dot Whimsy December kit and it is beautiful. I used a lot of layering for this layout. I think my favorite part is the tissue paper by Studio Calico along the bottom. Such a delicate touch, perfect for a baby layout.
I used to not like Valentine's Day, mostly because I spent the majority of my life single on the holiday, but now that I'm married it's not so bad :)
Truthfully, I really like decorating things with Zoe for Valentine's Day. (and the conversation hearts are my favorite!) We've been drawing hearts on everything and I even made a sweet little chalkboard sign using a wooden board from our thrift store. Our thrift store has been on a roll lately.
Zoe and I are down in Utah this weekend, while Ryan gets over a cold and catches up on some homework.
Stay tuned this weekend - I'm having a blog party with giveaways!
Holly & Co.