Day 1: Idaho to Utah
Our first day of driving was from Rexburg, ID to my parent's house in Utah. We spent the night and got to say our final goodbyes
Day 2: Utah to Arches National Park
Even though I've been to Utah, probably hundreds of times, I've never explored many of it's natural beauties. We decided to stop at Arches National Park, and we weren't disappointed. The red rocks were amazing and we were so glad we decided to stop.
We arrived in the late afternoon and took the short hike to the Delicate Arch viewpoint. We were all wearing flip flops, not the footwear I would recommend for hiking, even a short hike like this one, so it took a little longer than usual, but the view was great and we were glad for the few minutes out of the car.
Day 3: Arches to Four Corners to Grand Canyon
Thanks to my dad, we realized on our drive we were just an hour out of the way from visiting Four Corners monument. Four Corners is the place where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah intersect. It's in the middle of nowhere, but it was fun to visit.

Day 4: Arizona to Texas
This was our longest day of driving. Over 12 hours. The only good part of this day was that we finally got word about Ryan's top secret security clearance and he was granted the clearance!
Day 5: Texas to Fort Worth
We woke up really early, mostly out of anxiety about getting to our place, but we made it before noon.
It was a long trip but we definitely made some great memories. I'm glad we decided to make a trip out of it, I think it made most of the days more enjoyable, having something to look forward to.
We are now in Fort Worth and getting moved in before Ryan and I start work next week. It is definitely different than Idaho, and we are working on getting adjusted from small town living to city life. This is a big change for our family, not only in location but also routine. This is the first time in our marriage Ryan will not be in school and we are excited to take advantage of more family time together.