Friday night, Zoe went with Ryan to Uncle Brok's football game, while mom snuck off to see HSM 3 (you can read about that on my other blog)
Although, I don't have any pictures, I was told, Zoe was good and slept through most of the game, marching band included.
This Friday will be Zoe's first halloween. Since I'm the co-chair of the activities commitee, we will be spending friday night at our ward's Trunk or Treat party. Although halloween is probably my least favorite holiday, we will ALL (including Ryan) be dressing up this year. I will definitely take pictures!
Not much else to repot.
Ryan re-caulked our tub, so I had to give Zoe a bath in the kitchen sink last night. She is so long that she barely fits in the sink when she's lying down. Ryan took some cute pictures, I'll post them tomorrow.
Lately she's been sleeping 10-12 hours, it's been lovely. She went from sleeping through the night, to waking up at 2, and now we're back to sleeping through the night.
Have a great week!
Holly & Co.
Zoe went for her 4 month appt.
Weight: 14 lbs. 5 oz. 50th percentile
Height: 25 inches 70th percentile
Head: 41 cm 40th percentile.
She also had to get 4 shots. I think this was her first official meltdown, she screamed and screamed, like I had never heard. She also needed a nap, so that contributed to the meltdown, but I felt so bad. Luckily, she fell asleep in the car on the way home.
It was a bust.
One of the growers took our picture on the tractor. We couldn
Holly & Co.
Sad story. We had plans to go to apple hill with our next door neighbors. We got packed and headed out. Well, the traffic was really bad and thick and our car just couldn't handle the constant pressure on the clutch, so we had to turn back. Luckily, we did get apples. On our way back down the hill, there was a grower. So we got some apples and I will be making apple pie tomorrow. They had types of apples I had never even heard of. So yummy. Luckily I did get a few pictures. So here they are.

Well Ms. Zoe has been under the weather this week. she was stuffy, feverish, wasn't eating/sleeping on her normal schedule/pattern. Turns out she just had a cold. She is doing better now.
She is now perfecting the art of rolling over. Ryan said yesterday afternoon, he couldn't get her to stop. Then this morning I laid her on the floor and she wouldn't stop. So we have a rolly polly on our hands. And we love EVERY BIT of it!
I also started a new blog. I felt bad entering my thoughts, interests and etc. into a blog named "Baby Humbert". So I will keep this blog for all our family's updates and pictures, but for my personal musings, interests and etc, you can visit this blog.
I'm also still updating the weight loss blog. I'm trying to be better at that.
Here's some more recent pictures.
New friend, Spiderman.
We think that she'll be an early crawler. When she gets like this, she kicks and kicks and kicks.
Yesterday Zoe could not stop staring at the General Authorities during General Conference. She would get all excited and squeal and squeal. She has recently found her voice and she likes to test the volume. Made concentrating a little difficult.
We were planning to go to Tahoe last weekend, but it started to storm here, so we decided against it. But hopefully, we can get up there before it really starts to snow.
Hope you all are having a good week.
Holly & Co.