Sorry it has taken me so long to post from the good old west. We've been quite busy as you can imagine, so I'll try to recap quickly. And there are not going to be pictures for this post because I didn't bring my camera cord.
My birthday was great, after a long day of traveling, my mom made walnut chicken (at my request) and we had some chocolate cheesecake for dessert. I got a cute shirt, a yummy candle, and scrapbooking stuff.
We had a good time getting ready for Christmas, lots of shopping and baking, and snacking.
Zoe was quite overwhelmed on Christmas morning, she had too many things to play with and look at. She actually went back to bed before all the presents were opened. She got everything from clothes to books to toys that make noise to a Mr. Potato Head to a my little pony. Ryan and I both got clothes, books, movies, and gift cards.
This past Sunday, I got called up randomly to share my testimony in Sacrament meeting. It was unexpected but I was really happy that I was able to share my beliefs with my family there.
With several built in babysitters, Ryan and I have actually been able to go out a few times alone, which has been so nice. We've been talking about our future plans for 2009 and our new year's resolutions.
We also got family pictures taken, with my side of the family. Hopefully we will get to see them by the end of the week.
hmm, what else....oh! Tonight for New Year's Eve, we are having a murder mystery dinner. It's a pirate theme and I'm pretty excited to get everyone dressed up. (I'll take pictures and recap that in a different post, sometime soon)
Zoe has been making leaps and bounds out here, literally. She has learned to pull herself up to standing using furniture and will stay there. She isn't walking yet, but she will walk if you hold her hands. I'm impressed by her skills, but at the same time, I really want her to stay little for a few more months.
She is getting another tooth, this makes 3, but this one is on the top. She has been quite a pill at night, keeping Ryan and I up most nights. She did have a cold, so the congestion hasn't been helping either.
She is quite fascinated by cousin Noah, however, if she gets to close she tends to attack him, so she has to be restrained when she wants to play with Noah.
We are all having a great time here in Oklahoma, we'll be home in a few days, and back to a regular posting schedule.
Happy New Year!
Holly & CO.

Love, The Humberts
We are not doing Christmas cards this year, nor did we do them last year. Sorry to say, I had so many things going on, Christmas cards got pushed to the end of the line. However, I will probably be doing some sort of Valentine's/St. Patrick's Day/Easter cards, depending on the month I get to it, so never fear, I will send cards out...sometime next year.
This picture is from our photoshoot with Ryan's Family, just after Thanksgiving. (thanks to Mom& Jen for making Zoe laugh)
We will be heading to Oklahoma for Christmas again this year, in just a couple of days. Now we'll be on the same schedule with all the other siblings, so we will be all together next year. I'm just praying that the weather cooperates and we don't have delays getting there. We will be doing Christmas with Ryan's parents on Friday, so we'll see how Zoe reacts to presents. She has been very interested in the presents I have been wrapping for other people, but her only interest is chewing on the ribbon, or covering the paper in drool, I doubt she actually understands the concept of presents.
I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season. Ours has been busy, but very bright.
Right now I'm getting in the spirit with Pandora, listening to 'Baby, it's cold outside." One of my favorite songs. I'll be wrapping up wrapping presents tonight, and then enjoying my clean house and maybe some sugar free fat free hot chocolate. Here's the recipe.
Holly & Co.
Ryan Humbert, for the best husband ever!
This morning, here is chilly California, lol, there was ice on my whinsheild and all my windows. Normally, I would scrape it with a credit card for like a minute, then wait for the car to defrost the rest. But no, I have the best husband ever, who scraped my car, while I sat in the car waiting for the heater to warm up. He scraped the entire thing, not just the windows I needed.
Last night, I came home from work, to find my house, completely cleaned!
So let's hear it for the boy!
Here's to you baby, I love you!
If you would like to see more recent pictures of the Z Monster....
you can check her out here.....
holly & co.
Thanksgiving weekend was great!

Holly & Co.
On Thursday, we slept in and watched some of the Macy's day parade.
Then, Ryan and I dropped Zoe off with Grandma Julie and Aunt Jen, and we went with Grandpa Dan, Eric and Brok to see the new 007, which was actually pretty good. I liked it better than Casino Royale, but that's just me.
After the movie, Ryan and I rushed home to get the apple pie and salad for dinner, then back to Dan & Julie's for our Thanksgiving feast!
We had turkey, potatoes (mashed and funeral) green beans, salad, rolls and lots of pie!
Here's a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving, we didn't take a lot. First one is Zoe and Aunt Brooke. The Second is my neice Taylor.

Friday we went to Walnut Creek to have family pictures taken by Meghan MacAskill. Zoe didn't get all her naps in, so by the time we reached El Torito for dinner, she was maxed. Ryan and I had to take turns sitting with her in the car, because she was being a monster. But she did fall asleep on the way home, and then slept all through the night, so I guess she made up for it.
Saturday, Ryan, Zoe and I headed to the Crocker Art Mueseum in Downton Sacramento. They had a Warner Brothers exhibit that was really fun. Ryan had to go there for school, but we actually had a really great time. We're hoping to go downtown again this next weekend and explore more.
And because I haven't put up a lot of pictures recently, here's some of rolly polly Zoe