She definitely looks like Ryan.
I'm looking forward to 2010. 2009 was a year of learning and growth, which was good but tough at times. I've been thinking about my goals for 2010. Not just the goals themselves, but how I'm going to set myself up to achieve those goals.
For 2010 I want to:
* Be a roll around, on the floor Mom. I want to make sure I'm truly interacting with Zoe every day. It's easy to get lost in our routine and I want to make sure she gets my full attention in the short time we have together in the evenings.
* have weekly Family Home Evening. This has been hard this past few months with Ryan being in school on Monday nights, but after spending FHE with the Stauffers, I really want to have this a weekly time together.
* Finish projects. I have lots of ideas floating around in my head that I get supplies for, but find it hard to complete these projects. My goal is to do one a week. I've already got my list for the first 20 weeks.
I have a few other personal goals too, but these are my Top 3.
Have you made your 2010 goals/resolutions?
Holly & Co.