We had such a fun evening on Saturday night! We're so glad we've got such great friends a hop, skip & a jump away!
Holly & Co.
Holly & Co.

Next up, this is a mini book I made for our trip to Apple Hill. I used Cosmo Cricket's Nutmeg line. As soon as I saw this line I knew it would be perfect for this trip. I made it in 2 days because I was so excited about seeing it finished. You can see the full thing at my two peas gallery (link on the right)

Holly & Co.
is Zoe's new favorite phrase.
You have water...me some.
You have coke...me some.
You have a cinnamon roll...me some.
You have raw eggs in a bowl...me some. ( No we didn't give her raw eggs...)
She's getting better at putting words together. Like on the drive home from Roseville this weekend, she dropped her binky and I said, " Where did your binky go?" and the rest of the trip home she said" My binky go?" over and over.
We're trying to get her to say please if she asks for something, like "Up, please" but she will say up, then after we remind her, she will say please but won't say them together.
She's also good at herding Campbell into her crate. She chases after her waving her hand saying "Go Campbell, Go!"
We've been feeling less than stellar at the Humbert house, some lingering cold/flu/headaches and Zoe's 2 teeth are taking their sweet time coming in. Lots of snuggles, sippy cups, books & blankets. Oh and Ryan made cinnamon rolls....mmm.
I've been working on some crafting but I can't show it because it's for some Christmas gifts and these people read my blog :) But I will be doing some non-Christmas crafting tonight so I'll post those soon.
Holly & Co.
You have water...me some.
You have coke...me some.
You have a cinnamon roll...me some.
You have raw eggs in a bowl...me some. ( No we didn't give her raw eggs...)
She's getting better at putting words together. Like on the drive home from Roseville this weekend, she dropped her binky and I said, " Where did your binky go?" and the rest of the trip home she said" My binky go?" over and over.
We're trying to get her to say please if she asks for something, like "Up, please" but she will say up, then after we remind her, she will say please but won't say them together.
She's also good at herding Campbell into her crate. She chases after her waving her hand saying "Go Campbell, Go!"
We've been feeling less than stellar at the Humbert house, some lingering cold/flu/headaches and Zoe's 2 teeth are taking their sweet time coming in. Lots of snuggles, sippy cups, books & blankets. Oh and Ryan made cinnamon rolls....mmm.
I've been working on some crafting but I can't show it because it's for some Christmas gifts and these people read my blog :) But I will be doing some non-Christmas crafting tonight so I'll post those soon.
Holly & Co.
I'm sure most of you have heard of "Baby legs" basically, cute leg warmers for babies. To purchase, they are anywhere from $6 -$12 a pair. Today I came across a tutorial on how to make your own, and I just had to try it. ( I got my knee socks at Target)
For all three pairs, including cutting, pinning and sewing, maybe an hour. Probably less if I wasn't entertaining Zoe while I was working. So you will most likely be seeing Zoe in lots of these from now on.
Yesterday we had a HUGE storm. It knocked down a bunch of trees near my office and took me forever to get home. But after the storm was the most beautiful sight,

I didn't edit these at all to enhance the color, it was really that bright.
We're getting closer to post 200 so stay tuned for that giveaway...lots of craftiness in the near future and I'm hoping to take some photos of Zoe with some fun vintage props.
Have a good night and enjoy some hot chocolate!
Holly & Co.

Yesterday we had a HUGE storm. It knocked down a bunch of trees near my office and took me forever to get home. But after the storm was the most beautiful sight,

We're getting closer to post 200 so stay tuned for that giveaway...lots of craftiness in the near future and I'm hoping to take some photos of Zoe with some fun vintage props.
Have a good night and enjoy some hot chocolate!
Holly & Co.
I am a scrapbooker.
Most of you that read this blog know that.
Most of you also probably don't realize how much of a scrapbooker I am.
But I am happy to say that I had my second layout published. It's curretly up on the Cosmo Cricket Facebook Fan page. link.
(Yes it's the same company that posted my first layout, what can I say, I love their stuff!)
I applied to their design team earlier this year, but didn't make the cut. I'm hoping to try again next year and make the team. To do that, I'll have to beat out thousands of very talented people, but hey, dreams can come true right?
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Zoe is working on tooth #15 & #16. Nighttime is challenging to say the least.
Last night we got to have some Wii time with our friends the Stauffers. Well, Ryan and Preston got Wii time, Jamie and I got girl talk. Z & E got playtime.
I am {loving} the rain and cold weather. I need to pull my sweaters out of my "winter clothes" box.
Hopefully this weekend, I'll get around to scrapping our Apple Hill pictures. I also got an idea to turn one of my sweaters into a dress for Z so hopefully I can squeeze that in among scouts, relief society, grocery shopping and cleaning :)
Holly & Co.

Pardon the water spots, we had just finished brushing her teeth.
This is one of the shirts I made last night. Ryan wasn't too sure about the ruffle, but with this dress, how can anyone resist.
And that curly hair!
Ok, done gushing over how cute my kid is!
We're off to church and a very special baby blessing.
Be back later.
Holly & Co.

Zoe is cutting her 15th tooth, so we're being soft on letting her have her binky all the time.
Zoe is growing again, which is reducing her wardrobe significantly. I've been repurposing some of her clothes so they can stay in the dresser a little longer. (Pictures to come)
Holly & Co.
Zoe is growing again, which is reducing her wardrobe significantly. I've been repurposing some of her clothes so they can stay in the dresser a little longer. (Pictures to come)
Holly & Co.

This is how we spent our night. We had family movie night and watched "The Little Mermaid" I was afraid Zoe would get scared by Ursula, but when she came on, Zoe clapped. hmmm...
We had lots of cuddles and popcorn. We even talked about this becoming a regular thing, we had so much fun!
Holly & Co.
Here's what Ms. Zoe has been up to recently
Zoe's 2 new words.
"Pity" meaning pretty. Anything colorful, floral, sparkling, or hair product classifies as pretty.
"Peas" meaning please. It's generally used when she wants her binky, and after she cries "Ink, Ink"
She is learning to jump. although she only has the stance down. She tries to jump but her feet don't lift off the ground. She still claps for herself though. A for effort.
Zoe loves putting on lotion and soap. In the tub, we give her a squirt of soap and she'll wash her tummy. And whenever she sees the lotion bottle she wants to put some on. She occasionally gets the 2 confused and will put lotion in her hair.
She loves to give Campbell treats and says "Good girl".
She knows the animal noises for "Dog, Cat, Cow, Bird, Monkey, Lion, Tiger, Bear". The Cat is her favorite.
(Morgan's & Baker's will appreciate this) Zoe reads "Caps for Sale" to herself and everytime she sees the pages with the monkeys on them, she says "No, No"
She loves to sing "Popcorn Popping" and will do the hand actions.
She still snuggles on occassion.
She still has baby chub.
She still loves Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse, Goofy is her favorite.
Her hair is more blond than brown.
Her giggle is infecious and we love it.
We're getting over some sickness in our house, so that's why the lack of blogging.
Also, we're at around 185 posts, so on post 200, we're going to have a GIVEAWAY. So stay tuned.
Holly & Co.
Zoe's 2 new words.
"Pity" meaning pretty. Anything colorful, floral, sparkling, or hair product classifies as pretty.
"Peas" meaning please. It's generally used when she wants her binky, and after she cries "Ink, Ink"
She is learning to jump. although she only has the stance down. She tries to jump but her feet don't lift off the ground. She still claps for herself though. A for effort.
Zoe loves putting on lotion and soap. In the tub, we give her a squirt of soap and she'll wash her tummy. And whenever she sees the lotion bottle she wants to put some on. She occasionally gets the 2 confused and will put lotion in her hair.
She loves to give Campbell treats and says "Good girl".
She knows the animal noises for "Dog, Cat, Cow, Bird, Monkey, Lion, Tiger, Bear". The Cat is her favorite.
(Morgan's & Baker's will appreciate this) Zoe reads "Caps for Sale" to herself and everytime she sees the pages with the monkeys on them, she says "No, No"
She loves to sing "Popcorn Popping" and will do the hand actions.
She still snuggles on occassion.
She still has baby chub.
She still loves Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse, Goofy is her favorite.
Her hair is more blond than brown.
Her giggle is infecious and we love it.
We're getting over some sickness in our house, so that's why the lack of blogging.
Also, we're at around 185 posts, so on post 200, we're going to have a GIVEAWAY. So stay tuned.
Holly & Co.

Thursday, Ryan's cousin Melissa cut my hair. It was long over due for a cut. It's now nice and short. (pictures will be coming soon.)
Also, our good friends the Weights, welcomed their first baby late last night and we couldn't be happier for them! We can't wait to meet their little girl.
With our recent change to Netflix from cable, I've had a chance to watch some movies that I didn't want to pay to see. I watched this movie this week:

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
Holly & Co.