ABC Tag-

By Holly - 4/03/2008 02:27:00 PM

A--ADVOCATE FOR: Scrapbooking. I try to convert as many as possible. I'm terrible at keeping a journal. I've tried time and time again, but cannot seem to keep the pattern, so I scrapbook my life as a way to record life events and happenings for my family. B--BEST FEATURE: Well since I'm somewhat a balloon right now, we'll go with my smile. (thanks to Mom & Dad for braces) C--COULD DO WITHOUT: Aches and pains of pregnancy. I would love to have my ankles back. D--DREAMS AND DESIRES: To be with Ryan forever and to be a good mother. E--ESSENTIAL ITEMS:My purse. (Most of my purses are small beach tote sized, so everything that I would ever need fits in them) Yes, I am a bag lady. F--FAVORITE PAST TIME: Watching movies with Ryan, scrapbooking, playing with Campbell/ G--GOOD AT: Talking. I like to talk a lot, as I'm sure you all know. But this comes in handy on several occasions. H--HAVE NEVER TRIED: Alcohol. So glad that I made that choice. I--IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS: I would pay tithing. I would pay off debt. I would buy a house. Take Ryan on a vacation. Then call my Mom & Dad for investment advice. J--JUNKIE FOR: Ribbon. I love pretty ribbon. K--KINDRED SPIRIT: There are several that I know. But 2 who stand out are Ginnie & Heather. These women are warriors and I love them dearly for that. L--LITTLE KNOWN FACT: That's a tough one. I have hyper-extended elbows, (don't ask me to show you unless you really mean it) and I'm convinced that's why I didn't make the cheerleading squad in high school. And I am and will always be a die-hard *NSYNC fan. (if you don't believe me, just ask my parents) M--MEMORABLE MOMENT: The day Ryan told me he loved me. The day I fit into a single digit size jean. Our Wedding Day. And the day I found out I was pregnant. N--NEVER AGAIN WILL I: Live apart from Ryan. That was the longest 8 months of my life. O--OCCASIONAL INDULGENCE: Pointy toe shoes. (Jenni, one day, I will convert you!) Q--QUOTE: "You can fight the world, or you can fight each other, but you can't do both." -Grandma Baker R--REASON TO SMILE: 9.5 Weeks left! S--SORRY ABOUT: My stubbornness. T--TAG SOME FRIENDS: All family and friend who read this. (Jenni, that means you have to start a blog now) U--UNINTERESTED IN: Team sports. I think it's probably because I'm bad at team sports. V--VERY SCARED OF: Labor and Delivery. Can't escape it now. W--WORST HABIT: Whining. X--X MARKS MY IDEAL VACATION SPOT: I've been a lot of places. If it's a vacation strictly to relax. Hawaii. If it's a fun, exploring adventure vacation. New York. Y--YESTERYEAR DECADE OF CHOICE: I would love to have been around in 40's& 50's. I think I would have done well then. Z--ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius

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