Thanksgiving Recap

By Holly - 12/01/2008 09:09:00 AM

Thanksgiving weekend was great!

On Thursday, we slept in and watched some of the Macy's day parade.
Then, Ryan and I dropped Zoe off with Grandma Julie and Aunt Jen, and we went with Grandpa Dan, Eric and Brok to see the new 007, which was actually pretty good. I liked it better than Casino Royale, but that's just me.
After the movie, Ryan and I rushed home to get the apple pie and salad for dinner, then back to Dan & Julie's for our Thanksgiving feast!
We had turkey, potatoes (mashed and funeral) green beans, salad, rolls and lots of pie! Here's a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving, we didn't take a lot. First one is Zoe and Aunt Brooke. The Second is my neice Taylor.
Friday we went to Walnut Creek to have family pictures taken by Meghan MacAskill. Zoe didn't get all her naps in, so by the time we reached El Torito for dinner, she was maxed. Ryan and I had to take turns sitting with her in the car, because she was being a monster. But she did fall asleep on the way home, and then slept all through the night, so I guess she made up for it.
Saturday, Ryan, Zoe and I headed to the Crocker Art Mueseum in Downton Sacramento. They had a Warner Brothers exhibit that was really fun. Ryan had to go there for school, but we actually had a really great time. We're hoping to go downtown again this next weekend and explore more.
And because I haven't put up a lot of pictures recently, here's some of rolly polly Zoe
XOXO, Holly & Co.

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