Monday, I had the day off because of the holiday.
It was nice to finally be able to check things off my to do list.
Packed maternity clothes for my sister...check.
Cut vinyl for mom....check.
Edit pictures....check.
We took our normally Saturday day trip to Roseville, stopped at Noodles & Co. and Costco.
Came home for a nap, then off to cousin Asher's birthday party.

Zoe waiting for the cupcakes.

And the smiling birthday boy.
That night, I got an exciting e-mail. Pamela from Magazine, requested to publish one of my scrapbook layouts! I'm not sure which issue it will be in, I'll let you all know. I'm over the moon excited.
I've got some baking/cooking to do tonight for a shower tomorrow, so I should probably get started on that.
Holly & Co.