Boxes, Little Boxes

By Holly - 8/13/2012 01:09:00 PM

This week is moving week. Full of boxes, piles and to-do lists.

Last weekend, we went down to Utah to enjoy some family time with my sister and her family.

Needless to say, these kiddos love cousin time.

We went to the park and played in the water, we had several rounds of game night, and enjoyed some delicious food.

Zoe and Noah even got a chance to help Grandpa Morgan with the irrigation water that comes through to water his yard. They spent two hours playing in the canal and making mud pies. Jenni and I enjoyed a lovely talk with Grandma while the kids helped Grandpa picked green beans and raspberries.
It was a wonderful afternoon. We can't wait to go back for apple picking in September.

With moving this week, creative ventures have been put on hold, hopefully only for a short time. Since our move is only a few streets away, I'm hoping to have our new home put together quickly.

Holly & CO.

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