Look what the Cat dragged in and other findings

By Holly - 5/16/2008 02:46:00 PM

Yesterday started out not so good. I was tired, grouchy and in general, still pregnant. (In fact, today I am still pregnant) I went to work before my Dr.'s appt. Met Ryan at my Dr.'s appt. While waiting for the Dr., I start crying to my poor husband about how tired and miserable I am. Bless his heart, he's just assures me that it will be over soon. Dr. comes in, checks the heart beat, measures my belly, then does my Strep B test. Tells me baby is good and she is head down, and come back in a week. We made all of our appointments up until my due date. (It's crunch time!) Then Ryan and I went out to lunch. Our kind waiter, gets the bar tender to make me a "frozen lemonade" although he's not too sure what that is. Ryan and I enjoy a nice lunch and conversation. My mood is improving. Then I return to work, in a little better mood. Not an hour later, I get a call that I have a delivery at the front desk. I go up there to see a beautiful bouquet of pink gerbera daisies! (I am excited, but as I check the card to see who they are from, I secretly worry that they were the flowers I ordered for a funeral for someone at work earlier that week, that I had accidentally sent to myself.) Luckily, they were from my Big Sister! Jenni and I e-mail during work days, and that morning I had sent her an e-mail venting about how miserable I was. Amen for big sisters. So then I get home (it's enrichment night, and I'm on the enrichment commitee, so I have about an hour to get home, change and eat) to find my amazing husband had run all the errands I asked him to (Bank, mail, grocery store) He's stocked the fridge, freezer, and cupboards, and even taken out the trash. Oh and he had started dinner! I thank my lucky stars he likes me enough to deal with my pregnant self. So after a bad morning, I had a great afternoon and evening. I attribute my good mood to my loving family and friends who have been so kind and understanding throughout my pregnancy, especially my husband. Thank you all, I love you. In other news: We got sent to L&D on Tuesday for irregular contractions. The nurses put me on monitors for an hour or so, and cleared me to go home, citing "irritable uterus" as the cause. I'm just praying the next time I leave that hospital, I will have a baby in tote. Our niece, Taylor, had a scare this earlier this week, being rushed to the hospital after a seizure. She is doing much better now. (thank you for the prayers) Tomorrow, Ryan and I will be attending our nephew Luke's first birthday party! (We didn't get to go to Taylor's a few weeks ago, because I can't travel, but we're excited to see their family this summer!) Look for pictures in the coming days. Also, our good friend Ryan Willis had a birthday this week! He is the one that is responsible for Ryan and I meeting. Thanks Willis & Happy Birthday! That's all for this week, but stay tuned, life should get a little more exciting as the count down begins. As of today, we have just 33 days until the official due date! Baby pool is still open, make sure to get your guesses in! Lots of Love, XOXO, Holly & Co.

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