Baby Zoe Update

By Holly - 6/06/2008 07:50:00 AM

Hello all! Thank you all for your wonderful comments, phone calls and messages. I (holly) was discharged yesterday and my recovery is going great. I'm only on some Motrin for the pain, but other than that I'm doing great. However, our little Zoe, is a little sick. As I had posted previously, I tested positive for Group B strep. So during my labor, I was given antibiotics to help fight the infection, to protect Zoe. My labor was surprisingly short, so I didn't receive the full amount by the time she was born. This subjected our little girl to the infection. She now has to stay in the hospital for a week receiving antibiotics to fight her infection. Although her infection is completely curable and she isn't showing any symptoms of being sick, please pray for our little girl. She is feeding really well, and sleeps great so far. I have a room with her at the hospital, so although I am not a patient, I have a bed and can stay with her. I will try and post some more pictures that show her face better soon. The last few days has been a whirl wind for us. Thank you all for your love and support, XOXO, Holly, Ryan & Zoe.

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