Well Baby Check Up
Our little Zoe went to the Dr. today for her check up. Her length was the same 20.5 inches, which puts her in the 50th percentile. She is up to 7 lbs, 7.5 oz which puts her in the 25th percentile for weight. The Dr. said she looks and sounds great. They are happy about her gaining weight, especially because she was 2 weeks early, today is her actual due date. I'm so thankful our little girl answered my prayers and came early.
Zoe, although sleeps great during the day, can give us some trouble in the late nights. But it's hit and miss. Sometimes she sleeps 5 or 6 hours stretches, other nights she's up every 2 or 3 hours. We're still all getting used to this new baby thing. She is so fun, and we love her to death. Campbell is still getting used to having competition for attention, but she is doing better than I expected.
In other news, My sister, Jenni, is due with her baby in about 5 weeks. But if she goes like me, she only has about 3 weeks. So Jenni, this note is for you to hang in there, I know it's hot, and I know how uncomfortable you are at this point, but you have come so far and it will be totally worth it! Keep smiling it will be over soon, and you will have a sweet little baby to show for it! I love you!
My sister, Natalie comes back from Italy this next week, so please pray for her safe travel. I'm so excited to see her. Little does she know that she has already been assigned to pick me and Zoe up from the airport in a couple weeks :) Thanks Nat!
My little brother, Ben is at scout camp this week. He just created a blog. I posted the link on the right. When he gets back, I'm sure he'll post all about his adventures. (Mind you, the day they left for camp, it had been storming with lightening the whole night before, so I'm sure he'll have interesting stories)
And last but certainly not least, I didn't get a chance to post for Father's Day.
I have a very special relationship with my Dad. I have never met a person that didn't have good things to say about my Father, everyone loves him, he just radiates! My Dad has introduced me to several wonderful things in life, everything from Havarti cheese to Monty Python, from life lessons, like the Dating Game to essential Gospel principles, like Tithing and Temple Marriage. Thanks Dad for everything. You are my Hero!I also want to mention my sweet husband, Ryan , who became a Father, just in time for this holiday. He is so gentle and kind with our daughter. I can't wait for her to grow up and recognize special bond that only Fathers and Daughters have. I love you Ryan!
Holly & Co.