A Rough Week

By Holly - 11/07/2010 09:39:00 PM

This week hasn't been my favorite.

I've been sick, on top of a few other things. It feels like it's just been one thing after another...cranky kidlet, traffic ticket, my car got broken into, resulting in the loss of my favorite winter purse and tennis shoes, broke one of my favorite scrapping punches...the list could go on and on.

However, in light of the season, I'm going to list the good things that happened to me this week.
Zoe read a story to me while I was sick.
I had another request for a scrapbook page to be published (featuring our BFF, Ethan)
I have a good reason to buy new shoes (*see above)
My husband has cooked 2 out of 3 of our last meals.
It's raining today...my favorite weather.

And this week...
I have a large box of scrapping stuff coming to my house so I can scrap all our family pictures, so there is always a silver lining.

And totally random...look what I found while cleaning out some cupboards. I thought I'd lost this and was so sad. But I'm so happy I found it! It's going straight into the scrapbook!

Before I go, just a quick layout share. I love these pictures of Luke and Zoe.

Hoping this week is better than last.

Holly & Co.

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