
By Holly - 2/04/2011 09:38:00 AM

First off, my pictures always seem a little fuzzy when I use the blogger uploader, so I'm using photobucket now, can you tell a difference? (It's probably just me being annoyed)

Here's a new edition to our evenings. Ponies spend a LOT of time with Zoe. The join her in the tub (as evident by the awesome hair they have), they go to bed with her, they even get to join us for storytime. 
Since we visit the McDonald's play place at least twice a week, he have quite the collection of ponies. 

She likes to tell you that the ponies love you, then smash them into your face as if they are kissing you. Yeah, the unicorn and I are not on speaking terms.

It was awfully cold this week, today it's actually warm at 17.
 Poor Ryan walked to school when it was -13 the other day. 

In the past week, the scrapping world has been all a buzz with the new products coming out for the seasonal tradeshow. I've been participating in some challenges and trying to use up some older stuff to make way for the new!

This has always been a favorite picture of mine. I adore those paint splatter overalls. 
I discovered an old e-mail my Dad sent me with some baby pictures. I thought it might be fun to scrap some of those. It also proves that Zoe is my daughter. We look a lot more a like as kidlets.

Hope you've got some great plans for the weekend. I'm hoping to get out of Rexburg and head out to Idaho Falls tomorrow, but we shall see. 

Holly & Co.

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