On a roll..

By Holly - 2/17/2011 09:14:00 PM

Seriously, I've been trying to sit down and blog for 3 days now...sigh....finally getting to it.

Nothing in particular keeping me from blogging, just getting distracted.

First, I have to brag a bit. I've started to dabble in couponing...just dabble, and I was able to save $47 this past week at the grocery store. I'm super excited! I'm hoping I can get better and better at it and be able to build up our pantry again. 

Ok, I'm gonna brag again, Ryan got a 96% on his math test last week! and with corrections he turned the 96% into a 101%. I'm so proud of my hard working hubby. 

Next, I've been scrapping....a lot. 
I didn't get any publication requests for this month so I was bumming a bit last week and didn't scrap much.
But lots of fun new pictures of Zoe helped get me back in the groove.

Seriously feeling the pink lately. 

Oh recap of our Valentine's Day, we ordered a pizza and watched a movie. Not cooking was gift enough :) With me being gone all weekend and Ryan stuck at home doing homework, all gifts/cards/etc would have been last minute anyway, so we just spent the evening together. But I did get cupcakes :)
I think I might be a tad addicted :)

Definitely looking forward to the weekend. This has been a long week.

Holly & Co.

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