Our Visit To Mars

By Holly - 5/25/2011 04:01:00 PM

Today we took a wonderful trip to another planet....actually planets!

This morning we headed down to the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake. I knew Zoe wouldn't do well in the actual IMAX shows, but the planetarium has several other exhibits and it's free!

Zoe couldn't stop talking about all the moons (planets) and alien monsters.

Here she is on Mars.

These models were so realistic. There was a mural on the back wall and then a physical model on the floor, with a little path for the kids to walk through.

Here she is spotting an alien on the moon.

After the planetarium, we went over to the Gateway outdoor mall had some lunch at Jason's deli.
We walked around some of the shops to kill some time and we found a yummy shop,
Mountain Town Olive Oil Co.

It's exactly what it sounds like, an olive oil store.
 They had all sorts of infused olive oils and balsamic vinegars.
My favorites were the Tuscan Herbs olive oil and the Vanilla Balsamic Vinegar.
Absolutely a gem of a store. 
They offer samples of all the products and the staff was very helpful.

While Ryan and I were facsinated in the olive oil store, Aunt Natalie took Zoe to Build-a-Bear.
Zoe got to help load the fluffer machine.

And that concluded the exciting part of our Saturday :)

In other news, we found out we're expecting another niece in October
and we couln't be happier for Jen and Eric!

This week has kinda already gotten away from me.
I haven't had any scrappy time, hoping to carve some out this long weekend.

Holly & CO.

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