You never know...

By Holly - 10/19/2011 07:28:00 PM

Lately, my days have been going in a roller coaster, good, better, great, no so great, could've done without, bad, you know the drill... But after a not so great couple of days, today turned out to be a winner, literally.

I won a kit from my favorite place, that I get to share with my new scrappy friend.
My new assignment at work is turning out to be wonderful!
I completed a scrapbook layout for the first time in a week.
It was cloudy, sweatshirt weather today - my favorite.
I discovered some ice cream in the freezer I had forgotten about.

Seriously, it seems like small things, but it's made my day.

Here's the layout I made. Another plus, I used lots of my mists on this page. I find that now that my mists are on the shelf right in my eye line, I use them more.

For the background, I used some Studio Calico star stickers as masks, added 2 different colors of grey mist, let it dry and then peeled them off. It's one of my favorite way to use stickers.

I also used the technique on the letters from last week's Technique Thursday post.

Thanks for stopping by!
Holly & Co.

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