A Trip to Sammy's

By Holly - 2/25/2012 09:53:00 PM

We have been so lucky this weekend. For the first time this semester, Ryan has had a weekend without hours of homework! We decided to spend our Groupon, and head to Sammy's for dinner.

Sammy's is an old time burger joint, complete with soda counter inside. Zoe was very excited to sit on the "spinning seats."

Ryan ordered the Big Belly Burger and I ordered The Brea Chicken sandwich. Zoe had a grilled cheese and we all shared the onion rings and fries. The only thing that I wasn't thrilled about was the fries. After sitting and eating awhile at the counter, and listening to some other people - I guess the battered fries are the way to go - not the homestyle (which we ordered) Next time, we'll get the battered.

Everything else was really yummy. Simple, good food. Oh, and plenty of fry sauce - that's how we roll.

Sammy's is actually known for their, "Real Pie Shakes." Ryan ordered the coconut cream, Zoe and I split the pumpkin pie cheesecake shake. Absolutely the best part of the meal! It was so amazing, seriously delicious. Although, I would definitely opt for the half size shake or sharing one with someone, the full size one is a LOT for one person.

and my favorite pictures from that night...

We are enjoying having Ryan around a bit more this weekend.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend too!

Holly & CO.

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