Elle's Studio Sketch - 4/12/12

By Holly - 4/13/2012 12:22:00 PM

I had some time to play last night, and I remembered Elle's Studio has a new sketch every Thursday.
Here is this week's sketch -

And here is what I came up with - 

This is a picture of my sister and my niece, who looks more and more like her mother every day. We had such a great time hanging out together last week, Eliza is a crack-up, and my favorite thing she says is, "No." It's the way she says it that is so funny. 

The majority of the supplies are from the Studio Calico April kit, with some new Amy Tangerine bits and some pieces from my stash.  I am in LOVE with the wood frames from Crate Paper, they are such a unique piece to scrapbook with.

Yesterday, I got to go visit a brand spankin' new baby, Brody, who made my heart melt. He was about 15 hours old when I got to hold him. I'm so glad Karli asked me to bring my camera, we got some sweet pictures.

Precious, huh?

Make sure to stop back on Sunday, we've got a new Paper Issues theme up, complete with a blog hop!

Holly & Co.

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