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By Holly - 4/11/2012 05:25:00 PM

I squeezed out one more layout from my March Studio Calico kit, that brings my total to 8, which I think is pretty good, considering I was out of town 3 times in march as well as sick for a good chunk of it.

I used a sketch from Kelly Purkey's Sketchbook 2 class to make this page, with a few alterations. Even though it's simple, I really like it, the gold thickers just make it pop!

We are getting into a new routine with Ryan off school now, it's nice to have another adult to talk to and to have some extra hands to help out. I really missed him.

I forgot to share the pattern I made Zoe's dress for the Easter egg hunt from. Here's a close up of the fabric, surprisingly, it's from Wal-Mart. Here is the link to the tutorial for the dress: LINK

I also made one for my niece, but her's didn't have sleeves because I had a fight with my mom's sewing machine. But she still looked cute running around saying, "Egg, egg, egg!"

We cheated and had frozen yogurt before dinner and now we're not really hungry, go figure. But I'm hoping to get some more craft time while I'm anxiously awaiting the birth of my dear friend's new baby!

Holly & Co.

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