Don't Blink

By Holly - 11/18/2012 08:01:00 PM

Supplies: Studio Calico November Kit, Prima Ladybug chalk ink, American Crafts fine tip slick writer.

I don't know who the quote is by, but it says, " When you are a parent, the days are long but the years are short." Oh how quickly they go by. Next year, Zoe will be going to Kindergarten. Like REAL school.

I was explaining the background of Thanksgiving to her today, and asked her what she was thankful for. Her list made me smile. It wasn't until number 8 or 9 that she mentioned her toys. Her first items were family, friends, Jesus, sunshine, blue skies with fluffy white clouds ( yep her words), flowers that smell good... I kept asking her what else, what else, until she got bored. It was a fun game.

Don't forget my RAK challenge below, open until next Thursday. I've got some Basic Grey Fact or Fiction to throw in there, along with some stuff I'll probably get at the American Crafts warehouse sale next week, I might have to split it up into 2 boxes....

Holly & Co.

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