Baking Together

By Holly - 12/19/2013 01:23:00 PM

Sugar cookies are a long standing tradition in our family. I remember making sugar cookies with my mother and grandmothers, it's just a part of the holidays for me.

Zoe and I participated in this necessary event a few days ago. My mom even gave her the perfect apron on our last trip back home.

We even got to use our woodland creatures cookie cutters from Ikea, I think the snail and moose are my favorite, Zoe definitely loved the squirrel the most.
I also tried desperately to get a picture of us together, but with the terrible light in our kitchen and no camera remote, this blurry picture was the result. But I suppose it's better than nothing.

The version of sugar cookies we use is my mother's recipe, and there is also a chocolate version. 

Holly & Co.

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