Valentine Favorites

By Holly - 2/04/2014 10:29:00 AM

1 Emily McDowell Card - This is the card Ryan is getting for Valentine's day. I bought another card of Emily's too. I love the honest sentiments and her hard lettering and illustration.

2. Godiva strawberry milk chocolate truffles  - These truffles are amazing! I bought them to save for Valentine's Day, they didn't make it more than a few hours in our house.

3. Julep Betty - I got this as a treat for meeting a health goal, and it's such a beautiful glitter nail polish.

4. Lindsay Letters - I have dreams about owning lots of Lindsay Letters canvases, and hopefully one day I will. I having been eyeing this one for a while now. So sweet for Valentine's day, or anytime of the year.

5. Socks - My mom started the tradition long ago of giving us cute socks for Valentine's Day and now I do the same for Zoe. These cute socks will be a big hit with Zoe.

What are your valentine favorites? Anything you are hoping for?

Holly & Co.

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