Sun behind the Clouds

By Holly - 11/13/2009 12:18:00 PM

So here we are finally coming out of the cave.
Zoe has been sick the past few days, and I mean sick. She had the flu and now she has an ear infection. I think we're up to 4 in the past 5 months. Her Dr. says if she has 8 in a year we'll need to look into getting her tubes. We're hoping that won't be the route we have to go.
Before she got sick, Ryan made some snickerdoodles and Zoe got to lick her first beater.
Ryan and I got a chance to sneak away and do some Christmas shopping. Here's a sneak at some of Zoe's presents...

This is a shirt that we got for Zoe and I just fell in love with the design. I want to make Christmas cards out of this. I just love it!

We're all a little tired, a little cranky and ready for our holiday break next week. Utah here we come! I'm so excited to see snow again. I'm hoping to get some cute pictures of Zoe playing in the snow. Lots of food, fun, and family! Hooray!

Holly & Co.

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