turtles and shares

By Holly - 11/05/2009 09:21:00 PM

The other day we were looking through one of Zoe's books about pets and she pointed and said "Turtle," and she was right! It's amazing how much more she says now that she's rid (mostly) of that binky.

The weather here has been so warm. I'm just dying for some rain or snow or even fog. It's supposed to get colder this weekend, but I doubt it's going to be coat weather :( I'm really loving the whole plaid trend right now. I know it's a little mountain man, but its so soft and comfy.

Ok, sorry about babbling. Here's some scrap pages I've been working on, featuring Z's bff E.

I'm hoping to finish up a cool sewing project, with pattern in the next week. For all of you moms who need a bigger bag...this is the bag for you.

Hopefully we'll be enjoying cooler weather this weekend, which will result in a lot of comfort food and snuggles.

Holly & Co.

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