
By Holly - 8/01/2010 09:23:00 PM

Yeah! I'm back to scrapbooking! I took these pictures of Zoe swinging yesterday and they put me back in the scrapping spirit!
We were planning on going to Santa Cruz this weekend, but me being sick, kinda disrupted the plan. Luckily, I'm feeling much better now, so our plan to go with Ryan's family to the Monterey Bay Aquarium tomorrow is still on :)
I'm so excited. My family went just before we got married, but I wasn't able to go. So I'm excited to go and to watch Zoe and her cousins looking at all the exhibits!

Today, after Zoe's nap we started playing dress-ups. I put her in an old bridesmaid's dress of mine and it was adorable. Although, she kept tripping on it, so I think I'm going to alter it to a more fitting size for a dress up. Has anyone done this before? Tips, tricks? I was thinking of using a running stitch the whole time, so I could always undo it if I needed to.

She also locked herself in her room, so we had to unscrew the lock and switch it around so it's on the outside instead of the inside. I didn't even realize she had a lock on her door, until she was locked in her room. yikes!

Well I'm off to scrap a little more and watch a movie.
Holly & Co.

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