Srappy Share + Other Stuff

By Holly - 8/09/2010 09:32:00 PM

I apologize for the blog absence, I got a package of scrap stuff in the mail 
and couldn't resist playing with my new stuff.
We've all been feeling a little under the weather, so we laid low this weekend. 

I finally got around to scrapping these pictures of Zoe's first carousel ride. I think they were from like April. I'm so far behind. I'm hoping to catch up once the summer is over.

My parents and maybe my, brother are coming into town this week and we're so excited!

We're having our Relief Society service auction this Friday and I'm working on a mini album with this awesome scrapbook collection:
I'm so excited.I hope it turns out as good as I'm hoping.
 I'm totally loving my new camera and being able to catch these little moments.

Zoe and Daddy watching a movie on the floor.

Hope you're all having a great week.

Holly & Co.

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