Let's Go Fly a Kite

By Holly - 3/26/2012 04:23:00 PM

We had such a great time at the wedding on Friday night. It was beautiful and I'm so happy we were able to go. We got to see lots of old friends and catch up, as well as enjoy some delicious food.

Last week, while roaming around Wal-Mart - which I do fairly often - I saw some kites for $1.97. I picked up a Cinderella one for Zoe. My parent's house is probably one of the top 10 windiest places in the US, so I knew if the kite was going to work, it would work there.

As you can see by the picture - it worked. It worked really well, even for a relatively non-windy day.

Zoe had so much fun seeing it so high in the sky.

Sunday we got a chance to see Ryan's sister and her family while they were visiting some other family in Ogden. Zoe and Luke had tons of fun playing outside, while Jen and I got to catch up.

I love that Utah is a central place for so many of our family and friends, it means we get to see them more often :)

I got some happy mail today, and I'm super excited to spend some time crafting tonight.

I'm also super excited I have a layout featured over on the Cosmo Cricket Blog - You can check it out here.

Come back tomorrow for a yummy recipe!

Holly & Co.

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