Needing Color

By Holly - 3/29/2012 04:42:00 PM

Berries & My favorite bowl from Anthropologie

It's spring - but our world up here in Idaho is still kind of dead and in need of some color.
Ryan brought home some berries from the stores yesterday, we've been enjoying the welcome color in our snack bowls :)
(After I took this picture, I added greek yogurt and some almonds - but it wasn't nearly as pretty)

I've been making some changes for myself, which has left me with little creative and blogging time. But, I'm settling into a routine incorporating my new changes, and I should be back to my normal creative mode soon.

Zoe and I took a trip to the thrift store the other day and I picked up a few things to alter, and debated buying a gorgeous tie quilt. It was $15 and I just couldn't justify it, since I have 2 quilt tops unfinished as well as fabric for 4 other quilts ready to be sewn. But it would have been beautiful for picnics. If I go back next week and it's still there - I might just have to snag it!

Also, with the weather and season changes, I'm itching to start planting. I am not one who possesses a green thumb, but I'm gonna give it a shot this year. I found THIS POST on Apartment Therapy, about growing in old muffin tins - and I think that's how I'm going to grow herbs this year.

photo from apartment therapy
Do you have any gardening experience? I would really love some tips. My grandparent's are amazing gardeners, but they have a HUGE garden plot to work with. We have very little space, so tips for small areas or inside growing would be awesome. Maybe I'll get gutsy and try a tomato plant :)

Holly & Co.

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