Crafting with Kids: Pipe Cleaner Flowers

By Holly - 1/28/2014 04:40:00 PM

Crafting with Kids will be a new series on the blog. If you have any kid craft ideas and would be interested in guest posting, please send me an e-mail at I would love to feature other crafters and bloggers.

My goal for this series is to create projects for kindergarten aged kids, that can be done mostly on their own. Supplies will vary from project to project, but I put together a good basic kit for under $10 that we will be using in a lot of the projects.

- pipe cleaners
- pom-poms
- glue

The process is pretty easy, and below are step by step pictures. I found the best way to have Zoe make them, is have her watch me make one, start to finish and then let her go to town. 

These easy flowers make a great decoration or gift for teacher. The supplies are inexpensive and provide lots of entertainment. Hope you and your little ones enjoy this craft as much as we did.

Holly & Co.

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