DIY Anthropologie Heart Pillow

By Holly - 1/15/2014 11:59:00 AM

While looking for new items for our apartment and future home in Texas, I saw a pillow on Pinterest and thought it was so cute, but then I saw the price tag....$198.00! Yikes. As I looked closer, I noticed the fabrics were linen and my quest to make my own {less expensive} version began.

I settled on some linen from Robert Kaufman, I used the colors Natural (background) and Linen (hearts). I ordered 1/2 yard each, and my total was around $8.00. I used an 18" pillow form, I already had, but you can buy pillow forms at most crafts stores for around $5-$10.

Natural Fabric
2 - 18.25" x 18.25" pieces

Linen Fabric
1- 4" x WOF piece
1- 3" x WOF piece
2- 2" x WOF piece

From the Linen strips, hand cut hearts of different sizes. They don't have to be perfect as the edges will get washed.

Sew hearts onto one 18.25" square Natural piece. I looked at the original pillow and then just started stitching. Start in the middle and work your way out, alternating and even overlapping some hearts. Continue to sew hearts until you have about an inch border around the edges that is not covered.

Place both Natural fabric squares RST and sew three edges. Wash and dry cover.

Insert pillow and use a ladder stitch to close the cover and finish the pillow. {great tutorial here}

Totally worth the savings of about $190! What about you? Are you getting the spring cleaning/redecorating bug yet?

Holly & Co.

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