A Test

By Holly - 9/20/2010 03:43:00 PM

Can you tell which one is me?

On Friday afternoon, we had a company BBQ with a character artist.
My co-worker Sally and I hopped in for a picture together.
In cse you're wondering, that's supposed to be me with my arms folded.
 Although the fingers look all weird.

On Saturday, Ryan got up early to golf with a friend and Zoe and I slept in until 9:40.
Yes it was lovely.
We took a trip to Target, which I usually prefer to do alone, but we got some popcorn and drink from the snack counter, and it was by far the best experience I've ever had with Zoe at Target.
She was so polite and saying hello and please and thank you.
mmm...maybe I am doing something right...

That afternoon, we had our Ward party, and I had told Zoe before her nap that when she woke up we'd go to a party. As soon as she woke up from the nap, she was commanding, "Mommy, it's time to go to the party!" and , "Mommy, put your shoes on, we're going to the party."
It was a great party complete with good food, better company, and lots of run around the gym time for Zoe.
Zoe has been talking about "the party" ever since.
I tried to scrapbook that night, and even printed off the pictures I wanted to use, but that's as far as I got.

Sunday, I got a new calling, I'm the 1st counselor in our Primary Presidency. (Children's Organization at church). I'm a little overwhlemed, but grateful to be working with all the wonderful kids in our ward.
While I was at meetings, Ryan made apple crisp, and his parents joined us for dessert.
The night ended with a lovely visit with Jamie.

Sorry to throw the the weekend all in one post, but I'm trying to play a little catch up.

Stay tuned in to the blog this week, I have some fun pictures of Zoe in homemade dress-ups as well as a layout or two. (or three :)

Holly & CO.

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