~Tasty Treat~

By Holly - 1/27/2011 04:41:00 PM

{Warning: If one of your New Year's Resolutions was to lose weight, diet, or eat healthy, 
this post may de-rail you for a moment or two... }

I discovered a gem here in Rexburg, just after I walked through a really cool alley way. 
(Only in Rexburg would an alley way be not scary. I'll come back to the alley way another day)
 It's called The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe.

They have 39 flavors and they change them daily. 
I asked the poor sales girl about 50 questions.

I'm sure by the time we leave here, we will have tried all 39.

This time we tried....
Raspberry Chocolate Cheesecake

Party in my Mouth

This is definitely a treat to share, these are JUMBO cupcakes.

For perspective, here's the cupcake queen, just waking up from a nap, surprised with a treat.

The cupcake is about as big as 1/2 her head.
(Don't you love her ensemble? Polka dots and a cherry dress!)

I'm so excited that I've started to find some cute places like this to keep me entertained in our tiny town. Walgreens was getting a little mundane :)

I can't believe January is almost over. Whew, it's kind of a relief. I think we're finally getting settled. Hopefully no more big changes for awhile.

Happy Thursday! 
Go enjoy a tasty treat!

Holly & Co.

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