Up to something...

By Holly - 1/14/2011 09:45:00 AM

So mischievous....and such a ham...

We're definitely getting a little bit of cabin fever around here. It snowed about 6-8 inches last night, topping the 18 inches already on the ground.

The bright side of being stuck in the house is, you get a lot done.
 I actually have started cooking again, and not just baking but actually cooking.
Last night I made beef and snow peas a la The Pioneer Woman.

It was good, not my favorite meal ever, but good. It probably would've been better with the sherry, but I used other things to make it appropriate.
Other things on the menu in the next week, beef stew, chicken tortilla soup, oven baked chicken, and homemade meatballs.

Sorry for the iPhone photos, I left my camera charger at my parents.

Hopefully we'll get to explore some more of town this weekend and stave off some of this cabin fever.


Holly & Co.

PS. Happy Happy Birthday to our dear friend, Preston. Wish we were there to celebrate with you! Hope you have a great day!

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