Zoe turns 4

By Holly - 6/04/2012 11:01:00 AM

This beauty turns 4 today.

I'm pretty sure this is going to be the best year yet. 
We started the morning off with presents and pink pancakes at Zoe's request.

Last night I made cupcakes for her school class and she was so excited to bring them. 
I saved one to take a picture of this morning, but it didn't survive Ryan's breakfast appetite. 
They were very pretty, I promise.

I made this page a few days ago, while I was thinking about how grown up she is getting. I know I say that all the time, but when I look back at pictures and videos of her, 
I'm just shocked at how much she's changed in 4 years. 

She has personality and attitude, she have favorites and preferences. 
I love this little girl.

Tonight, after she goes to sleep, I'll write her birthday letter and put in in the envelope album that I'm saving for her, like I do every year. I really hope when she gets to be older, 
she enjoys this album as much as I have making it.

Well I'm off to frost another cake :

Holly & Co.

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