Getting out of dodge....

By Holly - 6/19/2010 04:47:00 PM

Thanks to a little nudge from a good friend, we decided to get out of town today.

We needed a break from our regular routine. 
So bright and early this morning, we packed the car and headed up to Tahoe for the day.

First stop - miniature golf . 
We chose the Storybook course which had everything from nursery rhymes to Stonehenge.

We didn't keep track of strokes but Ryan had 3 hole-in-ones.

Next stop - Lunch.
We were excited to try someplace new, but ended up at Chevy's.

I guess we were both a little afraid of the unknown.
{BTW - Chevy's deep fried ice cream is delicious and humongous!}

Last Stop - Shopping
We walked around a few shopping centers and the car show. 
Zoe ended up with a small pink piggy bank that says "Lake Tahoe" on the side.
Her choice.
We also got to stop into a gallery that had a Dr. Suess exhibit. 
Apparently, Theodore Geisel was quite an artist and had a much larger career than just writing Dr. Suess books.
Who knew?
Then back home we came.

It was great to spend some time up in the mountains.
It made me feel like I was back in Colorado again.
It also got me out a a little funk I was in, so back to crafting I go.

Holly & Co.

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