Good Things

By Holly - 1/26/2012 03:07:00 PM

Good things are happening.

I apologize for it being so quiet around here... it's been a rough couple of weeks. No need for details, but an overview - flooding, coughing, crying, sleeping, etc.

Anyway, back to good things.
Today it snowed. Not like a slight dusting, but a nice big snow!

Yesterday, Zoe got to attend a princess birthday party. She had so much fun, I thought she might explode from the excitement.

My sickness is on the mend. Whew, for the past few days, I've been afraid that I might just cough up a lung. But thanks to Nyquil + 11 hours of sleep last night, I think I'm over the worst of it. Plus side of being sick : I've watched 6 seasons of Cheers on Netflix :)

I played with paper a few days ago, for the first time in....well....too long let just say.

I'm finally liking my Fuji Instax camera. I got this for Christmas, and I love the size of the print, but I hadn't had one picture turn out, until the big snow today! I think I'm finally getting a handle on this little thing.

Also, I'm really grateful I went to the grocery store yesterday. We are all stocked up and can just enjoy being warm and cozy together.

I snapped this picture while we were enjoying some hot chocolate after coming inside from building a mini snowman. I think it's my new favorite. Thank goodness for iPhone pictures :)

Holly & Co.

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