Old Friends

By Holly - 1/02/2012 06:59:00 PM

This layout is not about old friends, but about getting old friends and family together. This picture was from "Pie-Fest" earlier this holiday season at my Great Aunt Meridee's house. We got to reconnect with my second cousins and Zoe spent the entire night playing with her third cousins.

Not too far off from that event, tonight, we had dinner with our dear friends, the Stauffers.
They missed us too much, and decided to move to Idaho to be near us :)
We are thrilled to have them so close again.

Their boys came over while they unpacked, Zoe was asking all morning, "Are they here yet?"
We had some dinner and dessert and let them get back home to bed and/or more unpacking.

I can't think of a better way to start off a new year.

Thanks to my sweet husband, my craft room is a disaster. And I don't mean that sarcastically. He build my Ikea Expedit bookshelf yesterday, so I have been busy organizing and sorting all my craft stuff to put back in it.

On my little blogging break, I was able to finish sewing Zoe's quilt for her bedroom and a new dress for her, which as soon as I can photograph, I'll be sharing on here, complete with the patterns :)

I also started on my Valentine's Day decor, but I think I will hold off on sharing that until we're a little closer.

Holly & Co.

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