See Good Days
By Holly - 1/04/2012 10:57:00 AM
Yesterday, I had a bad day.
I was sad and disappointed.
We've been trying to concieve our second child the past several months and no luck yet. When I got pregnant with Zoe, it was unintentional and in my opinion, a series of small miracles. This is my first experience with the waiting game, and patience is not one of my virtues.
So yesterday, I pouted. I cried. I prayed. I ate ice cream. and then I went to town to get some final items for Zoe's good behavior chart.
While I was in town, I went into Deseret Bookstore. I wandered around and this book caught my eye.

I picked it up and held it while I wandered around the store. I debated putting it back several times, as it's not really a "need". But when I made it to the checkout stand, it was still in my hands and I bought it.
I came home, and read it cover to cover.
It was exactly what I needed. It was the perfect reminder that even though at times, life is hard and we can't change those circumstances, we can choose to see good days.
and today, and am choosing to see good days.
Along with this sweet book, last night I took a hot bath and got to use the brown sugar scrub that my sister in law, Jen gifted me for Christmas. Well after using half the container last night, I thought I had better figure out how to make somemore.
I did some searching and found this recipe. It was the least expensive ingredients and it has the same consistency as the one Jen gave me.
Brown Sugar Scrub
1 cup Dark Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil, can substitute Sweetened Almond Oil or Vegetable Oil
1 teaspoon Vitamin E (cut open Vitamin E liquid gel caps)
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract , optional (or your favorite citrus essential oil)
1 tablespoon honey, optional for dry skin
In a medium mixing bowl, combine oil, vitamin E and vanilla. Add the brown sugar and mix well.
To Use: In the shower, apply Corrie’s Brown Sugar Body Scrub into skin and rinse. Can be used daily.
To Use: In the shower, apply Corrie’s Brown Sugar Body Scrub into skin and rinse. Can be used daily.
Original Source: Paula Deen
I wish I could gift this book to everyone I know. My hope with this post is just to remind us all to ...
See Good Days
Holly & Co.