Hello 2012

By Holly - 1/01/2012 09:05:00 AM

Happy New Year.

Thank goodness blogging doesn't require talking, because I have lost my voice :)

At the beginning on 2011, I deemed it the year of change, and it sure lived up to it's name. We moved 4 times, I changed jobs and started working from home, Ryan enrolled in school full time, Zoe went to a new school and then to Daddy day care and back to her school, we lived with my parents for the summer, we almost changed Ryan's school, etc.

But besides the obvious stress all those changes bring, I would say 2011 was a good year.

I love looking back through all my photos and remembering all the fun things we did the past 12 months. I picked out some of my favorite pictures form the past year to share today.

We're planning on 2012 being a year of steady. I don't have my normal resolutions like I have in the past.
 I have a few things in mind that I want to improve on in our family, and I'm gonna working on that with steady, small steps. I want to approach it this way, so that those habits form and become second nature.

Thank you for your friendship, love and support this year! 
Wishing you a happy new year!

Holly & Co.

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