School Pictures

By Holly - 1/10/2012 03:59:00 PM

This was the first time Zoe had ever had real school pictures, and I have to admit, my first instinct was to not order them.
My school pictures were always terrible, and I take hundreds, if not thousands of picture of Zoe a year, do I really need to pay $25 for the package get the class picture?
Well after some advice on Facebook and talking to Ryan, I decided to get them. I am so glad I did.

She actually smiled. And her hair actually remained fairly under control.
That morning while we were getting her ready, I told her to listen to the photographer, sit still, and smile pretty. Her teacher told me that afternoon when we picked her up, that she did everything I asked her to, and was one of the easiest ones to photograph.
(I guess being a paparazzi mom does have it's benefits)

This is actually a 2 page layout, with 2 different sized layouts.
Here is the second page, with her whole class.

The hand cut out is something Zoe brought home in October and I've kept it on my desk hoping for some way to use it. I thought this was the perfect way to showcase her at preschool.

All supplies are from Amy Tan's collection.

Tonight, I am taking my wonderful friend out for a much needed treat, thank goodness for cupcakes :)

Happy Tuesday.

Holly & Co.

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