December Daily: Dec. 19

By Holly - 12/18/2009 01:50:00 PM

{This little girl warms my heart}
Those cheeks are all mine!
Thanks to our friend Aly, we got some great pictures of Zoe this morning. We went to Old town Fair Oaks and she chased the chickens. Aly got great pictures even though Zoe didn't last more than 30 minutes, before she needed to go home for a nap.
Too bad Aly lives in Idaho, but if you're in Idaho and need an awesome photographer, Aly is your girl!
Unfortunately, this is also the day we started to get sick, so I had to miss the Stauffer's Christmas Party. Ryan & Zoe went without me. Ryan said the food was awesome.
{ it always is}
But Jamie gave me the sweetest poem and I wanted to share it.
The Christmas Towel
At first glance, it is easy to look at a towel as a most ordinary object. Have you ever stopped to think that for thousands of years the towel has been used for many wonderful purposes? For example, the mother who wipes the tears of a child to sooth an emotional or physical hurt; the physician who binds the wounds of a bleeding patient; or the woman in her home wiping her hands as she moves from task to task. Perhaps the most significant use of the towel happened nearly two thousand years ago when our Savior, only hours before he hung on the cross, took an ordinary towel in His loving hands and dried the feet of His disciples. This simple, loving act personifies the selflessness and loving service we seek to give during our lives. It illustrates that an ordinary thing like a towel, in the right hands, and with a giving heart, can lighten another's load. As with every action performed by the Savior on this earth, His act of service reminds us that simple day-to-day kindnesses are the Savior's way to bless and comfort. This towel is given with love, and with the hope you will do works of goodness with it as the Savior did so many years ago.
Holly & Co.

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