December Daily: Dec. 9

By Holly - 12/09/2009 08:10:00 PM

Ok so I didn't really take this picture, but...Have you seen this? So adorable! I watched it with Zoe on Hulu tonight. Today was the White Elephant/Potluck Extravaganza! I had 2 different potlucks at work. The first I made the gift tags for, I ended up back with the gift tags. The second, was a bigger one. I arrived a little late, but ended up being first to choose for the white elephant gift exchange. The first gift I opened was a singing gorilla, than it was stolen, so onto the leopard print Santa hat, stolen. The EDS book, stolen. and finally I got a cute little reindeer advent holder. I don't have a radio or a CD player in my car, so on the drive home I usually sing to Zoe, but today I sang Christmas carols to myself, I was surprised by how many I remembered the words to. I think "Away in a Manger" is my new favorite, the second verse especially. I just love Christmas time! XOXO, Holly & CO.

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