Apple Hill 2010

By Holly - 10/16/2010 09:20:00 PM

We actually got in our Apple Hill trip! I was so excited. Last year, Zoe was a bit too little to appreciate and enjoy the whole experience. It was really busy this year, but worth it.
We went to a new farm this year, Apple Ridge Farms.

 I think Zoe's favorite part was feeding these goats. I hope the video works. Zoe was giggling so loud, it was so funny. People around us kept laughing at how excited she was.

This little goat was following Zoe all throughout the pen. 

Zoe finally got her pony ride.
We've been talking about this for a long time. Every Day on our way home, we pass by a stable with horses. She always talks about how she wants to ride them and how pretty they are.
I was worried that she would be afraid and cry and not want to get on, but she only cried when our turn was over.

We did stop by High Hill Farms to get our apple donuts. We picked up some apple butter, rome apples and fresh apple juice too. mmmm...

Zoe and I took long naps when we got home and Ryan went to bed early. It was a long but really fun day!

I've got lots of pictures to scrap! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Holly & Co.

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