Just some Sunday rambling

By Holly - 10/17/2010 09:06:00 PM

I discovered tonight that we don't own a single mug...how is that even possible? Seriously?!? Doesn't every home have a surplus of mugs? We've been married 3.5 years and we don't own a mug. I feel a slight sense of failure.
So I'm drinking my hot beverage in a glass with 3 paper towels wrapped around it. Mug Fail.

I've been scrapping the past few nights and I'm really pleased with how my layouts have turned out. I have a new addiction to Bazzill Basics, orange peel textured, Wheat cardstock. It's becoming a close favorite to my usual Kraft.
Here's a couple sneak peeks until I get them photographed.

Isn't that cow paper the best? It's actually the back of an advertisement by Studio Calico. Pure genius.

As I was going through all my Apple Hill pictures, I found this gem. She makes me laugh. 
50% Girly Girl and 50% Tom Boy.

I'm just finishing up some homemade pizza for my lunch tomorrow.

I'm also enjoying a new show, Outsourced, on Hulu. It's a little different but funny.

Ok enough out of me for tonight. 

Holly & Co.

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